Apple’s Existing iphone 6, 6 plus cases will fit Your new iphone 6s, 6s plus

If you’re that type of individual who loves to keep up with the current technological curve by ensuring that you have the most recent and greatest smartphone release, then you’ll be fully aware of the associated expense that comes with maintaining that status. purchasing a new device every twelve months can be bad enough, especially when price hikes occur in certain territories due to fluctuating currencies, but that problem is often compounded by the need to purchase new accessories as well. There’s some good news on that front with Apple’s own digital store suggesting that its existing official cases for iphone 6 and iphone 6 plus ought to fit its newest 6s models.

While Apple can’t come out with a public statement to confirm that all existing third-party accessories and cases will work perfectly with the new iPhone models, it can at least confirm whether or not its own existing leather and Silicon cases for 6 and 6 plus will work with 6s and 6s Plus. And that is exactly what they have done. Reading into the wording associated on the company’s new iPhone 6s/6s plus cases page tells its own story:

The case fits snugly and your iphone 6s plus or iphone 6 plus still feels extremely slim, even with the case on.

The case fits snugly and your iphone 6s or iphone 6 still feels extremely slim, even with the case on.

Further, if you expand the ‘Compatibility’ view for any Leather or Silicon cases, you will see both 6 and 6s models listed:

This information essentially tells us that despite the iphone 6s and 6s plus being a little chunkier in certain dimensions, it ought to still fit nicely into existing case accessories, at least that is what appears to be the case with official Apple accessories.

As for all other third-party cases, much more often than not they are typically developed with what may seem like a small amount of play in them, but enough to cover this type of situation. with that said, the incredibly tight fitting cases that exist within the accessory market may let you down when trying to get the slightly thicker iPhone 6s/6s plus into it.

(source: Apple)

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