Here’s an strange bit box that may get those innovative juices streaming for the upcoming Halloween season. [Jeremy’s] weird radiant box has a pair of ping-pong sphere eyes which diffuse the red light from a pair of LEDs. Both the lid as well as they eyes move, as well as the whole thing is set up for wireless control.
The majority of the parts came from a toy RC helicopter that [Jeremy] had sitting in his junk bin. After close inspection he discovered that the electronics included to motor chauffeurs for the two rotors, in addition to two servo motors which worked to steer the aircraft. one of those servos has been repurposed to objective the look of they eyes left as well as right, the other servo is utilized to lift as well as close the lid of the box. This leaves the two motor controllers, one of which switches the LEDs on as well as off. The other doesn’t truly have a function yet. He tried adding one wheel to the box, however turning that on just makes the whole thing accident to the floor. inspect out what he’s done so far in the clip after the fold.